Getting Closer!

Last week was full of the kind of excitement the leaves you wondering what this new week is going to hold. My support has taken a dramatic turn upwards, and I am now only $275/month shy of boarding an airplane. The more I think about the amazing way the God is meeting this need, and the way He is moving people to partner with me, my heart is filled with gratitude. I am excited to say that I have begun the packing process, even though I don't yet have a departure date. For those of you who know me well, you know that packing is one of my LEAST favorite activities, so I'm thankful for a little extra time in which to do it. I am also looking forward to the day when my blog posts are not filled with pleas for support, and I am free to share about what God is doing in the community in Germany!
So my requests for this week are simple. First, would you please pray that God would move in the hearts of those whom He wishes to partner with me, and that they would respond quickly? I have a sense of urgency about this request, that is not an unwillingness to wait on God's timing, but simply a desire to encourage His people to act promptly. I have been praying that He would allow me to return to Germany this month, and I believe that this could become reality!
Second, would you consider partnering with me, either through a one-time gift, or as a monthly supporter? Please feel free to email me:, or click on the following link to donate Be sure to specify that your gift is for me, "Lauren Holland."

In the next few months I am excited to begin blogging about some of the amazing things that God has been teaching me through studying a book I haven't visited for a while: Deuteronomy! What an amazing book, with lessons about passionate, whole-person service to Christ. I look forward to sharing with you!

Thanks for checking in, and thank you for praying!


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