
Showing posts from April, 2020

Growth and Gratitude

To say that the world has changed since my last post feels like an understatement. If since that time, you and your friends and loved ones have been impacted by the effects of preventing the virus, or if you are figthting it personally, I am sorry. You are fighting battles every day that are daunting and difficult. Please know that I pray for you daily! Like so many other people, my life and work look very different at the present moment. Due to regulations intended to prevent the spread of the virus and flatten the curve, any routine that existed has been replaced. These days, rather than sit at a desk, I sit on my couch and keep up with emails from there. Rather than publish a weekly agenda and calendar update, I help to make sure our dorms have meals provided, that our staff are pacing themselves well and getting time off, and that each dorm has the support it needs. I check in with 3-4 RAs each day as well. Before all of this, I met with 7 female RAs each month, in my home or in