Grace and Snow

This afternoon, Dave, Jen, their son, and I ended up sitting down and eating lunch together, and as we sat I found my rather easily distractable self staring out the window from time to time. It wasn't that I was bored with the company, as we seem to laugh more every time we're together. I was simply mesmerized by the snow. It's been falling for over a week, and I found myself saying this morning that I was sick of driving in it. However there's something in my heart that goes varying degrees of giddy when I see it falling. It's similar to the feeling I also get when I see Christmas trees with lights, ornaments hung, candles lit, and nativity scenes set out. It's the start of something new, exciting. "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow!!!" (Isaiah 1:18, exclamation points mine) This verse seems to wrap itself around my head every time I look at the snow. It flows through my thoughts as I drive up the hill. It allows the snow to serve as a continual reminder of the grace I have been given, and am overwhelmed with daily. You see, I tend to forget things easily. I need frequent reminders if I am to accomplish anything. "Though your sins be as scarlet..." Ever tried to get a red stain out of a white shirt? I find that to be a rather perplexing task, and honestly doubt my own ability to completely obliterate the stain. "They shall be as white as snow." That kind of clean is something I am incapable of accomplishing. And yet it's not up to me. All I have to do is come to Him and accept. No matter how many times I fall short, He is able to make up the difference. In my weakness He is strong. When all around me is dark, He is light. When I fall, He picks me up, He lifts me up "on wings like eagles." What incredible grace! 
As I contemplate His grace to me, I realize the opportunity I have to model this daily. Each day, I will rub shoulders with 25 other people who need grace as much as I do. How do I show them this grace that has been given to me, and which belongs to them as well? This has been one of the most incredible lessons to work through for me this semester. It has made me reevaluate everything that I do, the thoughts I think, and the words that I say. It so often feels like an uphill battle, and yet, He is faithful. His grace is amazing, and I pray that it will overflow in my life daily.


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