Home sweet Sonne – Amazing what a little paint can do!

After several weeks of orientation, we are now back up the hill and nearly finished preparing the dorm for the arrival of our students. This year I have the privilege of serving with Chris Jones, and Marty and Debbie Shilling, all experienced staff who were here last year. We are happy to welcome Timmy Gaster as our third RA. He is new to Sonne, but not to BFA. Timmy was an RA at Maugenhard for two years before taking a year away and then returning this year. We are excited to have Timmy as part of our team. The students begin to arrive tomorrow, and there has been a lot to do to prep the dorm so it is sparkling for their arrival. We had lots of cleaning, repairs, and renovations to keep us busy in the mean time. We also were blessed to have the help of a work team from the US. They painted our first floor hallway and kitchen, and helped with many other tasks around the dorm. We were so thankful for their help! My room received a fresh coat of paint in a new color. I’m just about done rearranging and placing all of my things, so I’ll post pics soon. I love the feeling the dorm has right now. It has an air of excited anticipation. I have to say, that I am greatly anticipating the arrival of our students. We have had a lot of meetings as a staff, and as we’ve discussed our guys, I have this mounting excitement to see them and work with them. Each one brings his specific needs and strengths to the table. As I think about them, I find myself asking God to work through me, use me, and keep me out of the way. This is His work, and I want to do it in His time and way. 


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