
Showing posts from February, 2015

Day to day: Group Piano

As I sit and write, I have to admit that I'm battling a strain of a virus that has been making its way around our community. I'm on the mend, but I do apologize if this post seems a bit disjointed. Jumping into a new role in a familiar setting has its challenges. Adjusting to teaching here has included a rather steep learning curve. When I first came to BFA as an RA, I quickly realized that life here involved taking on new things that didn't seem "comfortable". Teaching piano in a group setting  was one of those things for me. When the idea first came up, I wasn't sure it was a great idea. Three weeks in, I'm having a blast and enjoying connecting with the students. As in every classroom setting, every student possesses a different level of musical knowledge, so at this point as I start out, my biggest responsibility is to observe how each student learns. Some are more tactile, some are auditory and some come with a broad base of musical knowledge alre...

Week 1

For He has said, "I will never leave you or forsake you." So much promise in one simple verse, and spoken by God who never changes. This was close to my heart this week, as I stepped into my first official week of teaching here at BFA. I've been pondering what to write all week, and am eager to share about my first week of teaching!  I've spent the last month working through the curriculum materials made available to me so on Monday I felt as prepared as I knew how to be, and yet still had that 'new teacher' butterfly sensation. This semester, I am responsible for two sections of group piano classes, and Music Appreciation. The students seem eager to learn and I'm looking forward to the challenge of keeping things interesting while progressing according to the course guides. The students have about a week at the beginning of the semester to finalize their schedules, so teaching this week was challenging because class size fluctuated a bit. I think that our...